Wednesday, November 21, 2012

MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing

MATLAB Programming

Basic MATLAB Concepts

Saving and loading a MAT-file

file > set path... > add folder...

save filename.mat or
save filename.fig 
  • save - saves data to files, *.mat by default
  • uisave - includes user interface
  • hgsave - saves figures to files, *.fig by default
  • diary [filename] - saves all the text input in the command window to a text file

 One way is to use the "file" menu. To open a .m file click "open", whereas to import data from a data file select "import data..." and follow the wizard's instructions.

To open an .m file, you can use file -> open, or type
>>open filename.mat

MATLAB Command Prompt


>> 3503-3215
ans =
>> 288/10
ans =
>> 28.8 * 15.4
ans =
>> distance = 3503-3215 
distance = 
>> mileage = distance/10
mileage =
>> projected_distance = mileage * 15.4
projected_distance =

 Reading and Writing data from/to a .mat file

  save command is used to save workspace data to a file.

>> save('mySave.mat')
 >> save(fullfile(pwd, 'mySave.mat'))
Save just the variables myData1 and myData2 to mySave.mat. 
>> save('mySave.mat', 'myData1', 'myData2')
Save all myData variables to mySave.mat.
>> save('mySave.mat', 'myData*')
Save all myData variables to a mySave.mat file compatible with version 6 of MATLAB.
 >> save('mySave.mat', 'myData*', '-v6')
Load all variables from the file mySave.mat into the current workspace.
>> load('mySave.mat')
 >> load(fullfile(pwd, 'mySave.mat'))
Load all myData variables.
>> load('mySave.mat', 'myData*')
Get a cell array of variables in saved file.
>> whos('-file', 'mySave.mat') 

MATLAB makes it easy to read from an Excel spreadsheet. 
It has the built in command "xlsread". To use the xlsread function 
use the syntax:
To write data to an .xls the procedure is very similar. The xlswrite command below 
creates a spreadsheet called filename.xls in the current directory from 
the variable g: 
>> xlswrite('filename',g);

Reading and Writing from and to other text files

If a file is not an excel spreadsheet, it can still be read using "load" function:
>> load newfile.txt 

Declaring Strings

Besides numbers, MATLAB can also manipulate strings. 
They should be enclosed in single quotes:
>> fstring = 'hello'
 fstring =
>> fstring = 'you''re'
 fstring =
An important thing to remember about strings is that MATLAB treats them 
as array of characters. To see this, try executing the following code:
>> fstring = 'hello';
 >> class(fstring)
 ans = char
Attempting to perform arithmetic operations on character arrays 
converts them into doubles.  
>> fstring2 = 'world';
 >> fstring + fstring2
 ans = 223   212   222   216   211
These values are obtained by using the 'double' function to turn the 
array into an array of doubles.  
>> double(fstring)
 ans = 104   101   108   108   111

Displaying values of string variables

>> fstring = 'hello';
 >> display( [ fstring 'world'] )

  >> fstring = ['you' char(39) 're']
 fstring = you're
>> strCell = {'A', 'B'};
 >> strcat(strCell, '_');
 ans =
>> X = 9.2
 >> fprintf(1, '%1.3f\n', X);
>> X = 9.2
 >> fprintf(1, 'The value of X is %1.3f meters per second \n', X);
 The value of X is 9.200 meters per second
>> strCell = {'Aa', 'AA'};
 >> strmatch('A', strCell);
 ans = 1, 2
 >> strmatch('A', strCell, 'exact');
 ans = []
 >> strmatch('Aa', strCell, 'exact');
 ans = 1
>> strCell = {'Aa', 'AA'};
 >> strfind(strCell, 'A');
 ans = % answer is a cell array with two elements (same size as strCell): 
   1         % Index of the beginning of string "A" in the first cell
   1  2      % Index of each instance of the beginning of string "A" in the second cell
 >> strfind(strCell, 'a');
 ans =
   [] % 'a' is not found
>> string1 = 'a';
 >> strcmp(string1, 'a')
 ans = 1
 >> strcmp(string1, 'A')
 ans = 0



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